What is it ?

Hand surgery is a broad term that covers many different types of procedures performed to restore hand and finger function. Hand reconstructive surgery may be done for many reasons, including:

  • Hand injuries
  • Rheumatic diseases, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, that change and damage the structures in the hand
  • Degenerative changes to the structures in the hand
  • Problems or defects of the hand that are present at birth, or congenital
  • Infections of the hand

What are the different types of hand surgery?

Many different types of surgeries can be performed on the hand. It depends on the underlying cause of the problem. These procedures include:

  • Skin grafts
    Skin grafts for the hand involve replacing or attaching skin to a part of the hand that has missing skin. This surgery is most often done for fingertip amputations or injuries. Skin grafts are done by taking a piece of healthy skin from another area of the body, called the donor site, and attaching it to the injured area.
  • Skin flaps
    Like a skin graft, skin flaps for the hand involve taking skin from another part of the body. But this procedure uses skin that has its own blood supply. That’s because the section of skin that is used includes the underlying blood vessels, fat, and muscles. Flaps may be used when an area that is missing skin does not have a good blood supply. This may be because of the location, damage to the vessels, or extensive tissue damage.
  • Closed reduction and fixation
    This may be used when there is a bone fracture, or broken bone, in part of the hand, including the fingers. This type of surgery realigns the broken bone and then holds it in place, or immobilizes it, while it heals. Immobilization can be done with internal fixtures, such as with wires, rods, splints, and casts.
  • Tendon repair
    Tendons are the fibers that join muscle to bone. Tendon repair in the hand is a difficult surgery because of the structure of the tendon. Tendon injuries can occur due to infection, trauma, or sudden rupture. There are 3 types of tendon repair: primary, delayed primary, or secondary.
      1. Primary repair of an acute or sudden injury is often done within 24 hours of the injury. This is usually a direct surgery to fix the injury.
      2. Delayed primary repair is usually done a few days after the injury, but while there is still an opening in the skin from the wound.
      3. Secondary repairs may occur 2 to 5 weeks or longer after the injury. They may include tendon grafts. This is when tendons from other areas of the body are inserted in place of the damaged tendon. Or other more complex procedures may be used.
  • Nerve repairs
    An injury can damage the nerves in the hand. This can cause a loss of hand function and a loss of feeling in the hand. Some nerve injuries may heal on their own. Others may require surgery. Generally, surgery is done about 3 to 6 weeks after the injury. This is the best time for nerve repairs that are linked with other more complicated injuries.In cases where nerve damage is not linked to more complicated injuries, surgery to check the damaged nerve is usually done soon after the injury. This increases the chance of a full recovery. If the nerve is cut or severed, it may be fixed by reattaching it to the other end of the nerve. Or a nerve graft may be done. This involves replacing the damaged nerve with nerves taken from other areas of the body.
  • Surgical drainage or debridement
    Hand infections are very common. Treatment for hand infections may include rest, using heat, elevation, antibiotics, and surgery. If there is a sore or abscess in the hand, surgical drainage may help remove any pus. If the infection or wound is severe, debridement may be used to clean dead and contaminated tissue from the wound. This prevents further infection and helps promote healing.
  • Replantation
    This type of surgery reattaches a body part, such as a finger, hand, or toe, which has been completely cut or severed from the body. The goal is to restore as much function as possible. Replantation uses microsurgery. This is a complex type of surgery that uses tiny tools and is done under magnification using a microscope. In some severe cases, more than 1 surgery may be needed.

What are the possible risks of hand surgery?
Most surgery carries the risks of anesthesia and bleeding. Additional risks associated with surgery depend greatly on the type of surgery being performed.

  1. Infection
  2. Incomplete healing
  3. Loss of feeling or movement of the hand or fingers
  4. Blood clots may form